remember when this was riske?

that's more fabric than lady gaga has ever had on her body at one time. and speaking of lada gaga, i say NO to her first dress and okay, fine, to her second. the tube dress is just ridiculous and reminds me of an old episode of Dr. Who. But it's the fucking yellow hair that really gets me. HELLZ NO. gross. and the pink trannystick and dark eyes do not belong together. one or the other, please. the weird spiky accessory is fine with me. it looks interesting in the photos and you can always spike kanye with it if he gets too close to your mike while you're onstage, so i'm down.

and what's up with beyonce and the ice skater mermaid dresses at every fucking occasion (
you can be a shorty in my ill convoy: step up, hova)? it's been years, beyonce. get a new look.

i know this is a lot of shit talking. hooray for everyone and their own form of self expression.
grammys suuuucked! Gaga always makes my life - she's so great! But it was boring as fuck overall man
honestly i didn't even watch it, i just googled "grammy outfits". the best part is talking shit about what everyone wore, and i can do that without suffering through the show. thank you google image search.
hooray for "hooray for everyone and their own form of self expression". (I'm totally in the mood for the shit talking, so thank you!)
Lady GaGa... I don't know... she bores me. I know she probably seems original to the "kids" these days... but I find everything she does pretty derivative of someone else (who did it better). Shit talking=always entertaining.
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