gravity is my homie. (dj above) love him. sexiest pink wearing straight man of all time. i can't even watch these videos because i get too fucking excited to sit still and my entire day is shot because i can't focus dreaming of dancing my ass off with amazing people and wearing no shirt and having brown tits and no tanlines and wearing giant platform boots and seeing amazing art and probably yes okay eating drugs and riding my bike around and getting fucking playa dust everywhere except hopefully in my contact lens case and i could go on and on. i am seriously beside my self with excitement. this fucking job interview can kiss my soon to be dusty and tan ass. so can my apartment situation. i found a room in a three story loft, with my own patio and bathroom (I KNOW) in the Dog Patch district which is super close to a guy i may or may not be dating...he may or may not be featured somewhere in this post...it may or may not be in the beginning of this paragraph...and the people that already live there are cool and their dog gets along with biggie. the only problem is that the crazy bitch that lives in the room refuses to leave so they may have to forcibly evict her. she is a 27 year old woman and the room looks like an 8 year old boy lives there. she has a super mario brothers comforter and sheet set, a DOOM poster on the wall, a batman figurine in the bathroom (that's a fucking slap in the face to this loft. batman figurines do not belong on heated slate floors, bitch. thank you and goodnight.) and a fucking closet full of comic books. fucking weirdo. and before you emo indie comic book nerds start getting hard, she's moving out because she just found out she's pregnant and she's going to move in with her man so they can play xbox together while she gestates. gestates? gross. anyway, if her bitch ass would get out i would be all good in the hood, but such is the nature of my life. nothing is easy. it's all coming together though, and i'm keeping my chin up. (we'll see if i say that on thursday when i officially have to be out of this place and have no where to go...bitch better get to packing up her stan smith shit because biggie and i are moving in whether she likes it or not.)
check the ass and hips on that girl in the pink shorts. yes please.
LIZ COME TO THE BURN DO NOT ARGUE. oh and by the way i went to piedmont on haight the other day and thought of you - have you been? i'm guessing no, because if you had you'd still be there kind of like how this bitch won't move out of my room.
that is all.
uh. why am i not going to burning man?
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn girl!
Every year I think "I should go to Burning Man" and I never do...
I suck.
and nice tie.
You were nottttt kidding about tit pics ha! prob shouldn't have looked at this while at work.. jizzed in my pants not a good look. Burning Man looks awesome! I didn't know what it was but I just googled it. Have fun!
cranki, burning man doesn't have showers. and there is a LOT of stranger touching. i don't know if it would be a good look for you.
(but i wish you were coming with me!)
im pretty sure both those things can be fixed with drugs.
ha ha tanya! nothin like a little unexpected jizz at work!
cranki you are one hundred and ten percent correct.
You know, I do update. Just not everday. But Im trying.
I really love those platform boots :)
dude I wish you had gone last year. oh well.
you know, a perfect rack really IS the best accessory at BM. And you have it. Hands down.
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