but a state of being. THE state of being. it is being.

i've been slowly shaking off the cynical shit talking that has been the definition of Me. i'm feeling less and less attached to the name La Dick, considering it came from a conversation with a fellow cold hearted shit talker about how we are both just such DICKS. i've let go of that way of being. i am open to love now. i feel calm and grounded and open where before i was shut off. i was funnier then, for sure, but also empty. i was choosing fear instead of love. in every moment of our lives, we have the choice between love and fear. i was choosing fear without even knowing there was a choice.
i am so full of love now. it has been such a journey.
I absolutely hear what you are saying. I am making the same discoveries myself and asking the same questions, looking for the same peace.
Good luck in your journey.
better and better! I was never attached to "la dick" anyway. you're way cuter than that.
you sound happy and peaceful :)
i think everyone is a dick occasionally and I totally agree with you, it's always based on fear.
un gran abrazo desde latinoamerica!!
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