my ex is buying the car from me. i bought it for him because he was too pussy to work in NYC and he needed it to drive around jersey to his job. don't ask me why he was too intimidated to work as a assistant manager in a major restaurant chain in nyc. he was afraid of everything, including teeth brushing, sobriety, paying bills, telling the truth, and new york city.
anyway, now i'm going through the painful process of selling the car to him. actually, to his father, since his credit is too bad to even GET A FUCKING LOAN FOR A CAR. sorry for yelling. but what a fucking loser. what was i thinking?

he tells me he can't afford to help me pay the bills he walked away from (electricity, gas, insurance, amex, visa...literally thousands of dollars.) and that he "shouldn't have to" pay for that stuff (read: i'm a spoiled, selfish, Entitled Little Bitch who has never had to take care of a single responsibility in my entire life including a 7 year old illegitimate child oops did i say that out loud please god if you exist let his mother read this) yet didn't get any of the paperwork to his father's credit union in time for the payoff quote to still be active because he was on vacation in mexico. ON VACATION IN MEXICO. but too poor to pay for a single dollar of the thousands he walked away from. and this is not his only recent vacation - he also went to Germany a few months ago. you know, just a little trip around germany, no big deal. it certainly doesn't take any extra money to take a fucking trip to germany.

jesus fuck am i pissed. fuck you, ELB.
that is all.

i hope the adorable sea turtle photos from happier days helped take the edge off the bitching. i'll post more later. sorry for losing my temper but it's either this or i go stanley kubrick style on this motherfucker.
bitching is what blogs are for, right? rrright? love the beach photos.
p.s...I know from previous life experience that chronic alcoholism produces a whole lotta fear. and that fear translates to everything.
it's so true. alcholol = fear and anxiety. i have to remember that so i can turn this anger into compassion.
i LOVE that last pic of you....
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