i just signed up for a 7 day juice fast and cleanse. i'm tripping just slightly after hearing about the things that come out of people during this thing. for example live parasites and crayons. yes, i said live parasites that could be seen moving in the toilet and crayons that people swallowed as children. good lord. i'll keep you posted.
oh and colonics are involved. they good news is that they offer private colonic rooms where you manage things yourself. there's no way i'm letting a stranger put a hose up my ass. the bad news is that there's still going to be a hose up my ass.
damn. let the healing begin.
fully supporting this. Very much looking forward to your goings on along the way. Cool
Oh good. We need detailed descriptions and photos of what comes out! (okay, maybe not photos)
okay send me a text when you're done keeping us posted on what's comin out your butt. i'm a-okay with missing it. ;)
franki, i'm not sure i'll actually be sharing that part. i don't even want to know myself. i'm Very Private about this kind of thing.
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