my fast starts on Friday night. i have a three hour class on friday evening (where a "delicious liquefied raw soup" will be served. uhhh oxy moron much? okay okay just kidding, i like gazpacho as much as the next guido.) anyway, i've been reading through the Fasting Manual and as well as taking 30 different supplements and 15 juice drinks a day, i'm also supposed to fast from the media. interesting. honestly i feel just as toxic from reading dlisted as i do from all the ecstasy i ate and coke i railed in the 90s. okay, fine, the 90's and early 2000's. reading about celebrity gossip and doing drugs are basically the same in my book - fun but toxic for your insides.
so starting friday night i will be fasting from dlisted and the news, and "feasting on love, air, sunshine, and positivity." no, seriously.
but before my media fast i just have to say one thing about tiger woods. here it is:
leave the man alone. it's none of our business if tiger's hustle is to hook up with hot cocktail waitresses coast to coast. it's none of our business if his wife attacked him with a golf club or if Tiger is about make it rain on Tiffany's. (I see a Kobe Special in the near future.) (i think kobe is innocent, btw.) there are literally a million other things that are more important than tiger woods having an affair, and that's just in NYC alone. enough already.
and tiger, seriously, "transgressions"? DENY DENY DENY. Who is your PR agent and how to i replace him? this all could have gone away if you hadn't admitted a transgression. goodbye nike.
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