i'm back in nyc and of course the first thing i had to do was hook up the nails. i'll post pics when i have a chance to take some. i wanted to go super long and the nail tech wouldn't let me. i asked her to use tips and she said no. she straight shut me down. then i asked her to go longer as she was shaping them and she said "no, this better". i just let her do her thing after that. i get a little intimidated by nail salons. i'm great under stress, i never panic in crazy situations, can hold my own on a subway platform at 4am, etc., etc., but get me in a nail salon and i'll basically back down and do whatever the nail tech tells me.

in other news, i emailed this to myself at some point last year, just found it while looking for an old email in an account i never use. i think there's a combination of drugs involved in this one.
"Is it just me or are cars kind of a trippy concept? Little moving rooms that we drive arund usung variuous wheels, pedals, and controls that other people invented and new people expand upon and make better. And spend millions of dollars refining because we need them to be safer since we smash them into each other, drive them around hammered, and place our children in them while trusting other small room drivers to follow the rules."

good work, la dick. put that mind to use exploring the concepts around you.
yesterday i was in san francisco for about 16 hours and got to see my fav homegirl robin, fuck up some indian food (nyc can't front on the indian in sf), and smoke a cigarette or two (yes, gross, i know.)
the last time i was in san francisco was a few months ago to help my friend get off crystal meth, which i keep meaning to write about because it turned into an ugly friendship killing fiasco. the bottom line is, if you aren't ready to help yourself, don't ask me to help you change your life. i'm not sure if we will ever be friends again. i feel like i survived a war with that bitch and it will be hard to leave my war buddy behind, but 2010 is all about positivity and i don't have time for negative meth fueled bullshit.
this month i have also been to montana for my dad's 60th birthday and snowboarded at yellowstone club, a private ski resort that makes me want to sell my soul the devil to afford a membership to, because there's nothing like being on a perfectly groomed run at 3 in the afternoon with sun beating on your face and no gaping tourist making typewriter turns across your line. but more about that later.
things are good, all in all. hello 2010.
goodbye, correct grammar. apparently somewhere along the way we broke up. (p.s. call me, i miss you.)
yay! that hiatus was fucking bullshit.
sorry, i know, SUCH bullshit.
"2010 is all about positivity"...yes yes yes! and I missed you. I really did. :)
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