when i was in grade school there was a mentally retarded girl that i always stood up for. people picked on her a lot and i always felt super bad. once i ran into her in the hallway - she got her period for the first time in class and the teacher sent her alone to the office. it always made me feel bad that no one even walked her down to the nurse...there she was in the hallway alone with a giant bloodstain on her jeans. i'll never forget it.
anyway, one time i was standing in a group of people who were sort of interrogating her the way that only mobs of schoolchildren can, and someone asked her if she knew she was retarded. she leaned in really close to the half circle of interrogators and said in a loud whisper "Yes, but SHH, i don't want anyone to know."
good lord did my heart break at that moment.
ohhh myyyygaaaawwwdd you're hot. i can't handle it.
Good for you to stand up for her. Fuckin' bullies. If you ARE retarded I won't tell anyone!
aww thanks highwaisted. i'm going to go total narcissist style with that photo and make it my header.
thanks for keeping my secret safe, liz. =) and i'm glad you approve of standing up for the underdog. bullies are such assholes. live and let live, bitches.
ohhhhh gaaawwwd the header. but seriously. good font choice.
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