Sunday, December 20, 2009
but then you start to hang out and even thought the totally fine person you wish you looked like also has the singing voice you wish you had while they tear it up at guitar hero you start to realize that the person is only cool at first and then ultimately is super annoying because the perfect looks got them so god damned far in the ol game of life that they have the uber confidence that comes from never getting humbled because they have hot sexy looks but no actual game and no actual SUBSTANCE and then you are secretly happy at the end of the night when you realize that you would rather be yourself than anyone else because the only thing the person you wish you looked like has to say is that your hair is seriously awesome and that they need more red wine and that they basically just need attention no matter where it comes from or else POOF! DISAPPEARANCE.
yeah, me too.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
i just ripped this from Highwaisted's blog. i'm not trying to bite your style girl! i just had to repost because this is real hip hop and it need to be spread around as much as possible.
this shit makes me even more depressed about the current state of hip hop.
if you tried to get that many MCs on stage today there'd be nothing to see but a grip of blood diamonds on chains and wack rhymes about drugs and guns.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
fucking EXACTLY
Producing the gems
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: i wish i talked to more people
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: well, no
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: there are people i could talk to
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: but they wouldn’t produce the gems
[23:25] tinainreallife: On average, people don’t say much that’s interesting.
[23:26] tinainreallife: There’s a rare group of people that just get it. And I’m not even talking about getting it.
[23:26] tinainreallife: I’m talking about the most basic level of getting it.
[23:26] tinainreallife: Which separates interesting people from everyone else.
[23:26] tinainreallife: Then there’s the cream of the crop.
i just got in a disagreement with someone tonight about how i'm a "bitch" because i don't go out of my way to force friendships with people i don't find interesting. i'm not a bitch. i'm just bored by most people because they are boring. you either have that spark and i find you intriguing, or not. i don't think there's anything wrong with that.
then i randomly read this a few minutes after the argument and felt totally justified. i think i even used the exact line "people don't say much that's interesting". Halleluja, sister.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
i'm just going to say it.
Friday, December 4, 2009
it must be soooo hard!

"I get all the symptoms of a pregnant woman," the 23-year-old star said. "I get headaches, I get tired, I get blurred vision sometimes during a really intense session with [design collective] the Haus [of Gaga]."
first of all, wow, how hard it must be to shoulder all that fame. i mean seriously, you don't even ask for the attention and it's just all poured on you for no reason!
secondly, there's a fucking Haus of GAGA coming? FUCK YOU. another one on the fucking Celebrity Clothing Line Bandwagon.
having money, interesting personal style, and celebrity do not give you automatic permission to start a clothing line. there are two key elements missing from the above list - the most important elements of all - and they are talent and training as a designer. Having an "intense session" with the people you hired to create your line is not the same thing as being a passionate and on point designer. you can put together a great (or bizarre, or whatever) outfit and sing and be a characature and be super charismatic and slightly mysterious all day all night, but for the love of god, do not think it grants you the right to turn out a painful and pretentious clothing line based only on the merit of your celebrity status. we'll leave the crazy famewhoring and pants-less outfits to you and your great (for a white girl) ass, if you promise to leave the designing to us, the people intensely passionate about expressing ourselves through our design so that you, the celebrity, can use our clothing to express yourself. see? it's a give give situation. don't get it twisted.
and really? REALLY? you get headaches after an INTENSE SESSION? please. it's designing clothing, not shock therapy.
***UPDATE (writers embarrassed note):
okay, sorry.
i just googled haus of gaga and found out that it is not a clothing line after all. it's actually the name for the team of designers who design and create all her clothing for tours and videos. and apparently they look at lada gaga "like a mother and daughter and sister, with pride and love," which you really can't hate on.
i truly apologize for my crazy diatribe and would like to instead have you read the above post but with your choice of Beyonce, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton, or Jennifer Lopez in place of Lady Gaga. DO NOT add gwen stefani because L.A.M.B. shoes are dope as hell, and don't add Andre 3000 because he can do whatever he damn well pleases. Thanks for your time.
la dick
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
leave tiger aloooonnnne!

my fast starts on Friday night. i have a three hour class on friday evening (where a "delicious liquefied raw soup" will be served. uhhh oxy moron much? okay okay just kidding, i like gazpacho as much as the next guido.) anyway, i've been reading through the Fasting Manual and as well as taking 30 different supplements and 15 juice drinks a day, i'm also supposed to fast from the media. interesting. honestly i feel just as toxic from reading dlisted as i do from all the ecstasy i ate and coke i railed in the 90s. okay, fine, the 90's and early 2000's. reading about celebrity gossip and doing drugs are basically the same in my book - fun but toxic for your insides.
so starting friday night i will be fasting from dlisted and the news, and "feasting on love, air, sunshine, and positivity." no, seriously.
but before my media fast i just have to say one thing about tiger woods. here it is:
leave the man alone. it's none of our business if tiger's hustle is to hook up with hot cocktail waitresses coast to coast. it's none of our business if his wife attacked him with a golf club or if Tiger is about make it rain on Tiffany's. (I see a Kobe Special in the near future.) (i think kobe is innocent, btw.) there are literally a million other things that are more important than tiger woods having an affair, and that's just in NYC alone. enough already.
and tiger, seriously, "transgressions"? DENY DENY DENY. Who is your PR agent and how to i replace him? this all could have gone away if you hadn't admitted a transgression. goodbye nike.
Monday, November 30, 2009
oh jesus

i just signed up for a 7 day juice fast and cleanse. i'm tripping just slightly after hearing about the things that come out of people during this thing. for example live parasites and crayons. yes, i said live parasites that could be seen moving in the toilet and crayons that people swallowed as children. good lord. i'll keep you posted.
oh and colonics are involved. they good news is that they offer private colonic rooms where you manage things yourself. there's no way i'm letting a stranger put a hose up my ass. the bad news is that there's still going to be a hose up my ass.
damn. let the healing begin.
thank god for the Three Revision Or We Charge You Extra policy

i know it seems crazy, but the best way to get a product designed exactly the way you want it is to GIVE SPECIFIC FEEDBACK.
some examples of non-helpful non-specific feedback are:
"we had a meeting and everyone agreed that the snowflakes should be more, i don't know, snowflakey?"
"this is close but it needs something, like, different. i can't put my finger on it."
"we want skulls, punk rock, young, sexy, modern, edgy." so you deliver these things and get "this is great but we don't want skulls in it. and it's too young. and we want edgy - like this - but not so edgy and young."
OH THANKS YOU ARE SO HELPFUL. i'll just continue to stab around in the dark until i hit something you can put your finger on.

*update* thanks to highwaisted the badass bitch for this video! fucking EXACTLY:
Saturday, November 28, 2009

my ex is buying the car from me. i bought it for him because he was too pussy to work in NYC and he needed it to drive around jersey to his job. don't ask me why he was too intimidated to work as a assistant manager in a major restaurant chain in nyc. he was afraid of everything, including teeth brushing, sobriety, paying bills, telling the truth, and new york city.
anyway, now i'm going through the painful process of selling the car to him. actually, to his father, since his credit is too bad to even GET A FUCKING LOAN FOR A CAR. sorry for yelling. but what a fucking loser. what was i thinking?

he tells me he can't afford to help me pay the bills he walked away from (electricity, gas, insurance, amex, visa...literally thousands of dollars.) and that he "shouldn't have to" pay for that stuff (read: i'm a spoiled, selfish, Entitled Little Bitch who has never had to take care of a single responsibility in my entire life including a 7 year old illegitimate child oops did i say that out loud please god if you exist let his mother read this) yet didn't get any of the paperwork to his father's credit union in time for the payoff quote to still be active because he was on vacation in mexico. ON VACATION IN MEXICO. but too poor to pay for a single dollar of the thousands he walked away from. and this is not his only recent vacation - he also went to Germany a few months ago. you know, just a little trip around germany, no big deal. it certainly doesn't take any extra money to take a fucking trip to germany.

jesus fuck am i pissed. fuck you, ELB.
that is all.

i hope the adorable sea turtle photos from happier days helped take the edge off the bitching. i'll post more later. sorry for losing my temper but it's either this or i go stanley kubrick style on this motherfucker.
Friday, November 20, 2009
dear mexican car rental company,
you could say i'm a little disappointed in you. i was hoping, at the very least, that i would get a car that was safe to drive and you'd try to rip me off by saying that i fucked it up somehow. instead, i got a fucking patchwork deathtrap that i now have to pay to exchange.
get ready for the AMEX and USAA battle of your lifetime, dear mexican alamo car rental company.
best wishes,
la dick

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
good lord mexico, i love you.

first day i've washed my hair since we got here. in the US that = DIRTOCHIO. in mexico, it just means that i had a vicious italiafro with the added excitement of dreadlocks. hair washing is highly overrated anyway and i only do it about once every four or five days as it is.

i'm feeling a little sad and weak today. last night we went for dinner at the yoga retreat up the street. it's basically a tripped out wonderland of beautiful young ex-pats high on mota at a five star resort. they have an american bulldog puppy named Bodhi (of COURSE they do) and little paths and bridges and palm tree islands all lit up leading out to a deck overlooking the ocean where they were playing Walk the Line with spanish subtitles. Idyllic much?
i had raw coconut pad thai which was off the hook but at 230 pesos it was a little more than the 40 peso tacos we usually get from Jannet up the street. (ya-neh).
walk the line made me sad. i cried during part, not sure which part or why i was crying, really. i don't cry usually. i could decide if i was pissed at walk the line or jealous of june and johnny's story or what the deal was, but when you are sitting at a gorgeous ocean retreat watching a movie overlooking the ocean, you should probably have a good reason to be crying.
being in love with an addict was a little glorified in walk the line. (of course it was.) it is not glorious. it is not heartwrenchingly beautiful. it is disgusting, horrible, sickening, annoying. love does not conquer all. being in love with an addict is cleaning puke off the walls on a tuesday afternoon and being the scapegoat for everything that is wrong. it's being a mother to a grown man you are also supposed to have sex with which makes your love life either 0% happening or totally incestuous. addicts by definition are narcissistic and needy, and loving one is exhausting because they often have no love for themselves. or at least no self respect. (and i'm speaking from my personal experience, not making generalizations.)

but at the same time, there is something so desirable about the doglike loyalty of june and johnny. it makes me LONG for that kind of love and also makes me scared that i'm too independent to actually give it - or, even harder, receive it. i don't like to depend on my partner. i don't like my man to need me. it makes me feel smothered and annoyed and i start to pull away. love doesn't have to equal NEED, does it? i always feel that once i get past a certain level of closeness with a dude, i stop desiring to be around him. it turns out that my favorite part of a relationship is when i am independently being me, and the lover is independently being him, and there's still some distance between us. once we become a "unit" and begin operating together, i freak out. i don't like it. and time and time again i forget how much i dislike it, and end up getting close to someone, hurting them, and breaking free to run away and feel like myself again.

in other news, this week i have seen dolphins jumping out of the ocean, driven through a tarantula covered guava plantation to get around a fallen powerline in the road which won't be fixed until the mexican government can get some dudes out to fix it (will be never), taken a horseback ride on the beach and conquered my fear of horses, surfed at La Salidita and got totally humbled by the gorgeous ocean, seen sea turtle nests and eggs, rescued approximately 47 crabs from the pool, and eaten more tacos than in all my life put together. this evening i will do "restorative yoga" (it's "really chill, so awesome" says CJ, the gorgeous yoga instructor with the puppy) on a wooden platform overlooking the beach. not so bad.

the end.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
i'm in troncones bitch

mexico is fucking great. we are in a tiny village with no tourists and my view from the bedroom is a vast expanse of crashing green pacific waves. the atlantic can STEP. brown cold waves, jersey douchbags, and creepy jelly fish? no me gusto.
also, i should have told you all to buy stock in hornitos before i left. dear lord, send me to rehab.

travel necessities. missing: xanax, stephen marley, and method man.

i recorded a video for ya'll but the connection here is so slow that i will be back in the states before it finishes uploading. we are off to buy more tequila, i'll be back later to upload the greatest drunken ninja photo shoot of all time. hasta luego, vaqueros.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
a warning.
biggie smalls is the illest
Thursday, November 5, 2009
this gave me the major sads
any woman...
every woman.
no fatties.
fire breathing dragons
the quote possibilites are so endless i don't even know where to start.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
fucking DUH
dear adderall,
you are a super fun thing to do once in a while since alcohol is boring, coke is pointless and frustrating, and xanax is for sleepytime and hangovers, but you seriously fucked up lindsay's face. she used to be pretty hot, but the meth grimace is getting old. please break up with her.
your faithful once-in-a-great-while-partaker,
la dick

lately i have been in this weird, completely out of characteristic girly mode where i can't concentrate on work because i'm too busy searching kandee johnson youtube videos on teeth whitening and watching lady gaga videos. i added a justin timberlake station to my pandora. (i KNOW. but honestly, timbaland does all his beats, so how can you NOT be down?) and about lady gaga...i just can't help it, i like her. i was super surprised to hear her speak for the first time. i thought for sure she would be a brit. america just doesn't turn out characters like her. and have you seen photos of her before she was a crazy blond characature? just not the same. she's just like every other tanned italian bitch. but add some structured platinum hair, hook up the nose job, and remove the pants forever, and you have a lovable pop star creature. awesome. and yes, i know lady gaga is i tired and worn out subject.

jesus, who am i? lady gaga is so last season yet here i am typing away about her.
also, coming soon, my "adventures in Methland" post. just call me The Cleaner.