Saturday, December 12, 2009

fucking EXACTLY

Producing the gems

[23:23] gochrisuniverse: i wish i talked to more people
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: well, no
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: there are people i could talk to
[23:23] gochrisuniverse: but they wouldn’t produce the gems
[23:25] tinainreallife: On average, people don’t say much that’s interesting.
[23:26] tinainreallife: There’s a rare group of people that just get it. And I’m not even talking about getting it.
[23:26] tinainreallife: I’m talking about the most basic level of getting it.
[23:26] tinainreallife: Which separates interesting people from everyone else.
[23:26] tinainreallife: Then there’s the cream of the crop.


i just got in a disagreement with someone tonight about how i'm a "bitch" because i don't go out of my way to force friendships with people i don't find interesting. i'm not a bitch. i'm just bored by most people because they are boring. you either have that spark and i find you intriguing, or not. i don't think there's anything wrong with that.

then i randomly read this a few minutes after the argument and felt totally justified. i think i even used the exact line "people don't say much that's interesting". Halleluja, sister.


annie said...

no. Why would you make serious effort to friend someone who you really think blows? That's crazy. I don't do it and I feel sortof bad and so confused by people who do.

You only have so much energy, ya know

franki said...

fu-uck. i can't even spell halleluyah-weh.

La Dick said...

asian porn spam. rude.