i got a chemical peel the other day, and the aesthetician (sp???) said she had to wait for a super important phone call and would i mind if she kept her phone on vibrate? i said no problem but doubted that anything she had to hear was that important. how long is a chemical peel? an hour? can't wait an hour, huh? fine. she said it was concerning some test results, which made me kind of interested from a completely voyeuristic (i can spell voyeuristic but not aesthetician? wtf?) standpoint, which in turn made it easier to not be annoyed that she was leaving her phone on. so she's scrubbing lactic acid into my neck and breathing softly on my face when her phone goes off and she grabs it and keeps scrubbing away. i can hear someone talking to her but no details - details! i need details! suddenly she's super excited and says "Oh my GOD THANK you!" and they keep talking all happily and it turns out she doesn't have cancer. she beat breast cancer once and it's not back AND she doesn't have the Braca gene so her daughter can worry a little less about getting cancer. wow. interesting to be involved in someone getting the best news of her life.
in other news, biggie smalls has a serious stomach virus and i'm up and down the stairs every five minutes so he doesn't shit all over the reclaimed barnwood office floor.
also i am in the worst shape of my life and have NO FUCKING ASS. i need to get my fitness game tightened up.
that is all.
intense. very very intense.
chemical peel? whhaaaaa?
squats. 50 times a day. believe.
i know, chemical peel? it was free, part of a promotion. trust your homegirl is NOT dropping $$ on that shit right now.
oh, and squats, romanian deadlifts, lunges w/ 150lbs on the smith machine, yoga, the list goes on...the ass demands constant attention.
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