i've been a little blown away by relationships lately. is anyone telling the truth to anyone about anything anywhere? i haven't been part of any personal lying, and haven't done any personal lying, but it seems that everywhere i look, things are not what they seem. every married couple around me is secretly unhappy. every song i hear is about cheating, broken hearts, lost love, new exciting love, secret undercover love, and of course being crazy in love. bitches are jealous because their men ARE cheating. men are suspicious because their women ARE giving the sexy side eye to other dudes. i guess the thing that makes no sense to me is the fact that true human nature seems to be non-monogamous. humans can only learn so much from one person. things change, feelings change, energy dies, things wither. there is nothing wrong with this. yet our society only accepts the concept of the monogamous pair bond until death do us part, and if you choose to leave someone you are considered the bad guy. WHY is the heartbreaker considered the asshole? why is it bad to want to be happy, to refuse to accept the status quo? why is it considered more noble to tough it out with someone you hate or are completely bored or unfulfilled by than to leave and explore something new? is it religion's fault? is it human nature to want to be free but also to be possessive?
sorry guys, i'm just looking at some things around me and my mind is blown. it just seems so counter intuitive to me that we refuse to embrace the fact that people are fundamentally drawn to more than one person. thoughts?
no, the photo has nothing to do with the post.
holy fuck and i thought i was a babe look at you, you make me want to puuuuuuuke in a good way hi.
and i like this post. timely.
we need to gchat about this post. there are so many parts i want to comment on! sometimes i wonder how you read my mind.
hi! RAYMS you are the baddest babe, don't trip. oh and also i'm blown away by how many fucking opinions the world has about your break up and how you are living your life. it's YOUR break up and YOUR life, everyone else simply needs to shut the fuck up and let you deal with it regardless of how much or how little you share with your readers. people's sense of entitlement is ridic.
I'm happy in my relationship but I broke up with my last boyfriend after 6 years, best decision ever, totally life-changing, and I lost plenty of "friends" over it who still judge me. Fuck 'em. My best advice for any relationship: honesty, honesty, honesty. otherwise what's the point?
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