rollin in the nanny benz. (inside joke that no one who reads this blog will ever get.) (sorry, how boring.)

motherfucking BRUTUS! he is the most adorable thing of all time. that's really all there is to say about that.

smoked mad fucking weed, ate a ton of xanax, drank some wine, and kicked it in the kitchen with my homegirls. it was hailing, then raining, then sunny, then it got dark and we were too high to pay attention to the weather. the apartment was cold as fuck so we opened the oven and sat around it at the kitchen table. smokin. hood shit. came up with this nail joint - we call it The Patience, because sitting still for an hour while the dot dries is an excercise in self control if there ever was one. that is not how you spell excersise. neither is that. how the fuck do you spell that word. exercise. there it is. i hate kanye west and i hate the flashing lights song, but pandora killed it with the flashing lights radio that night. never been a more appropriate time for lil wayne, TI, dilated peoples, timbaland's production. ahhhhhhh fuck yeah.

i've been thinking lately about how much in general people base their own happiness on the energy and reactions they get from others in their lives, rather than just doing what makes them happy and seeing how that works out. i really hate it when i'm in a relationship and the dude i'm with is clearly basing his actions on how we are doing in the relationship. just be yourself and do your thing and we'll have no problems at all. or is that weird and heartless?

recovery red cup combo of the day: emergen-c, absolut, hailstorm, giant umbrella, black hoodie, (all day errryday,) ysl sunglasses (all day errryday) 24th and valencia street corner store.

write down what you REALLY want out of life. put it on paper. then work backwards and see what you need to do to make it happen. sometimes just seeing it on paper makes you realize you don't actually want it at all. sometimes it makes you realize how fucking much you want it. NEED it. sometimes you have no idea what the fuck to put on the paper. hello, my life.
Writing down what you really want in life is an excellent idea. I like to add pictures too. Your nails are very nice, and holy shit you travel a lot, eh? I always travel with Xanax!
i have a restless soul like a motherfucker. i think they call it wanderlust.
NAILS. A +++
omg i love that dog!
And you look great, too!
that dog is so cute, cute enough to EAT!
I need to get it together, I write lists and then I keep changing them...sigh.
i'm a list-freak. i make lists for everything, but i think it's because i smoke weed since i'm 14 and my short term memory is fuckin shot...!
you know what's also good for getting important shit in perspective? cancer. well, it worked for me anywayz.
i like your blog a lot! it made me laugh.
lists are the ONLY way to get shit done, whether the shit is groceries or planning the rest of your entire life.
uhh woah, virginie, cancer? i hope you are okay! is this photo you? http://rituximab.blogspot.com/2009/12/belle-epoque.html because holy fuck, amazing photo!
yajá, non hodgkins lymphoma. but i've been in remission for almost 4 yrs. I'm having a HUGE freakin party when I get to five yrs!
that photo was from a vacation in uruguay... so peaceful. if you ever come to south america gimme a shout out and i'm be your tour guide. :)
that sounds like so much fun (cold apartment party) i'm jealous wish i was there :(
i'm going to try what you said about writing down what I really want.. seems like it would lead to an epiphany.
You know what is crazy - one of the homegirls that was at the cold apartment party ended up going completely psycho and STEALING brutus! we think she sold him. this was months ago and we are still looking for him. you think you know someone, been down for 10 years, and all of a sudden they wildin out stealing your dog and eating mad pills and not paying rent and getting kicked the fuck out. wtf is wrong with people!? crazy.
and yes, write that shit DOWN. it really helps. and it puts it out to the universe that you know what you want and you won't accept anything less. when you know what you want, you get it.
yo WHAT the FUCK thats straight up psycho! i don't even get it.. i thought i had crazy "my-homegirl-who-i-knew-for-years-buggedthefuckout" stories.. but that totally trumps mine dam.. poor brutus. well i'm going to start writing now ;)
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