this mystical city is actually san francisco and in all my years of flying into and out of it, i've never noticed the giant mountains rising from the mist back there. they must be new.

so far all i've managed to do today is take photobooth pictures and avoid doing any actual work. i had a full on panic attack yesterday and if i want to chill out and do not a damn thing all day i will. have you had an actual panic attack? no fucking bueno.

i immediately called to get refill on the x script, and then had to go to battle with my (woman) dr. Women either love me or hate me, and women doctors hate me every single time. it's insane. quit trying to be my fucking mother, write me the script for the one thing that makes my life bearable, take your kickback from Pfizer, and call it a day homegirl. yes, i know that people abuse this substance. i am not one of them. you want to meet an addict come through and meet my unemployed roommate who sits in his room all day eating tramadol and playing xbox.

biggie obviously adores taking photobooth pics with me. can't you feel the LOVE?

omg enough already. i promise i'll be back tomorrow with some actual fucking things that are interesting to read. xo.
my girlfriends LOVE tramadol!! I'm not much of a pill-poper (i'm more of a weed smoker), but i ocasionally use and or abuse various substances, so i tried trama (that's how my friends call it) and it made me nauseous and i threw up... it was NOT nice, believe you me...
So I guess it's not for everyone. I'll stick to weed, acid and mdma crystals. :p
i've been taking tamadol for back pain for almost ten years (holy shit) but ONLY when i need it (once every few months.) the last time i took it i had such a bad reaction - i got SUPER nauseous and was shaking uncontrollably. no more for me, thanks. it's made me puke before, too. i can't imagine taking it for fun, the nausea is SO not worth it.
i'll stick to xanax and weed too! and the occasional mdma, although i was a fucking raver in the 90's and i should probably be careful with the ecstasy. i'm probably already headed for parkinsons in my 40s.
this comment is longer and prob more interesting than the entire post. thanks virginie! X
Oh yeah, obtaining Xanax is such a pain in the fucking ass, I hate it. I finally found a doctor who doesn't treat me like some kind of crazed fiend but it's taken years. I only take it when I need it, but nothing else compares. Only people who have had panic attacks know how awful they are.
yep i've had full on panic attacks and still do occasionally. I've gone through a check-list of prescriptions and currently am on nothing... except for the odd Ativan. We'll see how things go. Goddamned anxiety disorders...
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