Wednesday, November 4, 2009

fucking DUH

(click picture to see larger methface)

dear adderall,

you are a super fun thing to do once in a while since alcohol is boring, coke is pointless and frustrating, and xanax is for sleepytime and hangovers, but you seriously fucked up lindsay's face. she used to be pretty hot, but the meth grimace is getting old. please break up with her.

your faithful once-in-a-great-while-partaker,

la dick


liz said...

Dude, that is so not an Adderall face. My husband takes it every day, and I take it sometimes to stimulate my painting-for-6-hours marathons, and we do NOT look like that.

La Dick said...

it's totally adderall face! your husband might TAKE it, but he doesn't ABUSE the shit out of it all day and all night. i'm a once in a while user as well, and i don't look like that either. but the day in day out abuser - trust me, they have the grimace just like a tweaker.

La Dick said...

okay, let me rephrase my rant. ANY stimulant, when taken repeatedly in high enough doses, will force one to grimace like that because the facial muscles are stimulated and are contracting involuntarily.

i'm choosing adderall as the stimulant of choice because of all the "Lindsay's abusing prescription drugs" rumors and the fact that she looked bloated and weird (not skinny and weird, like now) when she was a cokehead. just my educated occasional drug user guess.

Raymi Lauren said...

sourpuss face is not hot

La Dick said...

for real. all the Chanel in the world can't help sourpuss face.

liz said...

I used to be kind of fascinated by her but now she just makes me sad. Did you see that photo of her standing next to D. Versace? And Versace looked BETTER??? Giiirrrl.

La Dick said...

hahaaha liz for some reason i missed this comment! when you make donatella versace look like a fresh young thing you know it's time to tighten up your game.