i know it seems crazy, but the best way to get a product designed exactly the way you want it is to GIVE SPECIFIC FEEDBACK.
some examples of non-helpful non-specific feedback are:
"we had a meeting and everyone agreed that the snowflakes should be more, i don't know, snowflakey?"
"this is close but it needs something, like, different. i can't put my finger on it."
"we want skulls, punk rock, young, sexy, modern, edgy." so you deliver these things and get "this is great but we don't want skulls in it. and it's too young. and we want edgy - like this - but not so edgy and young."
OH THANKS YOU ARE SO HELPFUL. i'll just continue to stab around in the dark until i hit something you can put your finger on.

and i've been on hold with adobe for 40 fucking minutes and this is really eating into my minutes.
and nice laundry pile.
*update* thanks to highwaisted the badass bitch for this video! fucking EXACTLY:
*update* thanks to highwaisted the badass bitch for this video! fucking EXACTLY:
and no that's not a wedding band.
i'm going to cut you wide fucking open you prick. lol forever.
i've heard ALL of those things a millions times each.
oh jesus and there's an equally relevant sequel:
hahahaha i know! sooo classic i can't even handle it. ;)
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